November is all about GRATITUDE!
As we all weather these trying times it seems the only way to get through it is to focus on the good. Keeping gratitude at the forefront of your thinking and actions is a good way to keep the stress and strife at bay.
We have been so blessed during the pandemic to have clients who keep in touch and who support us through it all. One way we like to keep these relationships fresh and engaged, is with the occasional gesture to remind them just how much they mean to us.
At different times during the year we choose some of our clients, peers and supporters to send a little gift of kindness to that we hope will let them know how much they are appreciated.

This year we designed and delivered a Halloween pumpkin arrangement showcasing our fresh flower design. We created fun spooky Halloween tags to hang from the pumpkin stems that featured a vintage spider motif and our own logo.

As an unexpected bonus, these arrangements were featured on social media, which allowed us to maximize the visibility of what we were doing which allowed us to share what we were doing via sharing the recipients' gracious social media stories and posts. Our effort to make some special people feel loved resulted in lots of gratitude coming back to us! It was a win-win for all involved! As times continue to be tough, we focus on our ultimate goal and mantra - TO SHARE JOY!

What are you doing to express your gratitude and share joy? If you have any great ideas in which you communicate the mission of your brand to your audience or clients, please share them with us by posting a photo on Facebook and/or Instagram and tag @joemineocreative #joemineocreative. We would love to see and share what you have created! We love hearing from you so if you have any great ways that you communicate the mission of your brand to your audience or clients, we would love to hear from you!